Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Advanced Irrigation Has Tips on How to Tell if Your Sprinkler System is Leaking

No one likes a high water bill. The cost of everything is high already, so the last thing any of us need is to shell out more money on bills. If you’ve been noticing an increase in water usage – and hence your bill – your sprinkler system might be suffering from a water leak. Here are some ways to tell if your irrigation system has a hole in it: 

-          Shut off for a short a time all the water in your house. If your water meter still spins, then it could be a sprinklers leak. If this is the case, shut off all water to the system and call a professional like Advanced Irrigation.
-          If you notice broken sprinkler heads, then your system might have a leak.
-          If your system’s output has been weak and each sprinkler head is getting different coverage, a leak might be the culprit.
-          A leak can lead to brown spots on your yard. If you observe more and more brown spots, a water line or sprinkler head leak might be to blame.
-          Wet or soggy spots on your lawn could be due to an underground break. If you’ve ruled out all other issues, look next into an underground water leak.
-          Are your meter or valve boxes filled always with water, and it’s not the cause of other drainage issues? A sprinkler system leak might be to blame.

Advanced Irrigation serves the Twin Cities MN metro with sprinkler and irrigation systems. If you think your system has a leak, contact us today at 612.599.8675 or visit www.AdvancedIrrigationMN.com.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Stay Green This Summer: Irrigation Systems Explained – Drip Sprinklers

Summertime is approaching, and the hot sun can have damaging effects on your lawn. We are often too busy to give our yards the proper care and watering they deserve, so we rely on our sprinkler systems. Is your lawn irrigation system right for your property? Over the past few weeks, Advanced Irrigation Inc., the full service lawn care, sprinkler systems and irrigation systems experts for the Twin Cities MN communities, explained in this blog the different types of systems and how they might best benefit you.

It’s a common sight across America’s farmlands: crops lined up, with tubing adjacent. Each crop thirsts for sustenance, depending on the pipes to quench them. Drip irrigation systems are popular with the agricultural sector as they are among the most efficient irrigation method, wasting less water. While your front yard might not be full of crops, you can still utilize drip sprinklers for your flower beds or small gardens.

How Drip Sprinklers Work
Drip sprinklers apply water directly to the soil, down to the root. This is unlike conventional sprinkler systems, which spray water all over the lawn. Water is less likely to be wasted, as the slow drips won’t be caught by the wind. A drip sprinkle irrigation system consists of several sprinklers connected to the same hose. These rise out of the ground to spray your lawn, giving it the needed humidity.

Installation Process
The time it will take to install any sprinkler system depends on the size of the project. You should hire a professional irrigation system contractor for any sprinkler system installation since digging and pipe work are involved. One foible could turn into a water leak, and in turn an increased water bill. Professionals will avert these costly errors.

Drip Sprinklers’ Advantages
As noted previously, drip sprinkler irrigation systems are one of the most efficient irrigation methods, with a 90% success rate. Like with any sprinkler system, you won’t have to spend hours every summer day watering your lawn. These systems are perfect for small flowers, since the flower bed will not be eroded.

Contact Advanced Irrigation today at 612.599.8675 or visit www.AdvancedIrrigationMN.com to learn more about drip sprinklers and what they can do for your Twin Cities MN property.