Thursday, December 29, 2011

Keep An Eye On Your Irrigation System

Some irrigation systems in Minneapolis have copper control wires that can be quite valuable if cashed in. For thieves looking to make a quick buck, this makes your irrigation system an attractive target. In Lee County, GA, the sheriff has offered a reward for information leading to the arrest of irrigation wire thieves.
"Metal thieves strip the control wires off the top of the irrigation system. The wire is heavy duty copper that the thieves prize, but the damage costs thousands more to repair than the metal will bring the crooks. Plantation Security says they want to help the Sheriffs get the information to break the cases."
Keep a close eye on your irrigation system, and report any suspected damage to your local police department.

Cover Your Sprinklers For Winter

When freezing temperatures hit your sprinklers in St. Paul, serious damage can be done to exposed faucets and pipes. As James Lucas, a writer for the Huntsville Item states, you should prioritize "Putting your garden to bed," including your sprinkler system.

"In our garden I began by covering all water faucets and wrapping exposed pipes. I'll include this obvious step in putting the garden to bed, because in my case I've had frozen sprinkler valves the past two winters - a very costly mistake. This year I spared no expense and wrapped and covered anything that could possibly be damaged by freezing temperatures."

Don't get caught with frozen sprinkler valves, yourself -- do your best to cover up any exposed pipes and faucets to keep things from freezing up and getting damaged. And, of course, if you have any problems with your irrigation system, give Advanced Irrigation a call at 612-599-8675.