Monday, July 29, 2013

Vacation Lawn Care Tips

Are you going on vacation this summer? You have a lot to think about when you're packing up to get out of town for an extended period of time. When you're preparing to leave, you can't forget about your lawn care needs. You'll need to prepare your lawn for your absence by following a few simple steps. It's easier if your Eden Prairie or Twin Cities-area home has a lawn irrigation system, because it can do half the work.

1 Week Vacation
If you're only going to be gone for a week from your Eden Prairie or Minneapolis/St Paul metro home, your lawn won't even notice. You will want to mow your lawn on your regular setting the day before you leave and let your lawn irrigation system run normally. Your lawn will be fine for a week, even if it's dry.

2+ Week Vacation
A longer vacation will require a little bit more preparatory work, when it comes to caring for your lawn. If you complete the follow steps, your lawn should be in good condition when you return.
1. You should plan to mow your lawn before you leave. Set the mower to one notch lower than you normally would and go once over your yard.
2. Your lawn sprinkler system can continue to run normally on a timer. This will help to keep your lawn hydrated, especially if it's going to be dry.
3. You may want to consider having a friend or neighbor mow your lawn if you're going to be gone for a long time.
4. When you get back from vacation, you'll want to cut your lawn on a higher setting than you're used to. This will help your lawn stay healthy.

Have fun on vacation and don't worry about your lawn. If you prep your lawn well, and let your lawn sprinkler system work its magic, you'll come home to a healthy green lawn.

Need a lawn sprinkler system installed on your Eden Prairie or elsewhere in the Twin Cities property? Call Advanced Irrigation today at 612-599-8675 or Request a Quote.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Lawn Care: Keeping Your Grass Green This Summer

There’s no other way of saying it: it’s hot outside. And while you might like basking in the summer sun, it can be rough on your grass. Therefore, it’s important to take proper lawn care precautions, especially when summer reaches its peak in July and August. If you’re unsure of how to properly care for your lawn, it’s important to hire a lawn care company in Plymouth, MN or wherever you may live. Otherwise, here are some tips on keeping your grass green this summer.

One of the best ways to ensure your grass remains healthy is with fertilizer. For the best results, we’ll wait until the grass is dry and mowed. The fertilizer should sink into the ground, not stick on the blades. After we’re done fertilizing, we’ll water the grass to ensure proper growth, which brings us to our next tip ...

With the summer sun beating down on your grass, it’s important to make sure it’s properly hydrated. However, the amount of water necessary depends on the circumstances. If the area is suffering from a drought, it’s OK to go heavy on the water, but this should be avoided if you’ve had a lot of rainstorms lately. The best watering starts early in the morning, usually around 5 a.m., as this allows the grass to dry by nighttime.

Having your grass mowed will help make your watering and fertilizing efforts be more successful, as these will be better able to reach the roots if long grass is not a factor. You’ll want to mow before fertilizing, and when the grass isn’t too damp. The clippings can provide beneficial nutrients to your lawn, so it’s recommended to let your clippings lay instead of bagging them up.

Need help with your summer lawn care routine? Call us now at 612-599-8675 or Request a Free Estimate.