Monday, October 18, 2010

Roof Cave-Ins and Broken Water Pipes - How Best To Avoid These Perilous Situations During Winter

Each season brings with it its own benefits and challenges. Yard work and home maintenance is typically thought of as a spring chore. There are several aspects of yard work and property maintenance that, if left untended, can cost a pretty penny in the midst of winter months, however. With the onset of the fall and winter seasons fast approaching these tasks often go overlooked by home owners.

The complacency of a home owner can cost thousands of dollars or more with regards to tree maintenance and home maintenance. Every year each winter seems to deal a harsher blow to the private citizen and business owner alike than the previous winter in the form of damage to the roof, buildings and vehicles.

Freezing temperatures and heavy snow lining overhanging tree branches can easily pierce through a roof or fall onto a car causing massive damage to occur when the limb does snap off from the trunk. What is worse is if a tree should injure the home owner and their family or neighbor. Winter weather can slow or even obstruct any emergency response personnel from providing necessary medical care in the event of an emergency.

One key preventative measure is to walk around the home with a critical eye towards safety. Overhanging branches, as well as older trees, should bear close inspection. Low hanging branches are less likely to cause damage to a roof, but can easily destroy rain gutters and vehicles and interrupt power due to a downed power line. Trees which have been weakened by prior seasons may begin to lean or may not show any evidence at all.

Being proactive by calling a lawn care and maintenance company can save much grief on the part of the home owner. Surprisingly other companies offering seemingly unrelated services such as irrigation and fertilizing, will often handle tree trimming during the winter due to less demand for lawn mowing and irrigation.

Cracked water pipes are another major concern. Fall blowouts for existing sprinkler systems are another service which needs to be performed. Freezing temperatures are notorious for causing cracked water pipes, both underground and in the interior of homes. With regards to water supply lines located within a home, it is important to shut off the water supply valve to pipes extending through an exterior basement wall to the outside. Some homes may not have an interior shut off valve for outside spigots.

For additional information on the topic of home and lawn maintenance visit Advanced Irrigation.

Article independently authored by Daniel P Elliott. The content herein may or may not reflect the views and opinions of Advanced Irrigation. Click for search engine optimization and search engine marketing or visit's Blog.

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