Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Lawn Care on a Budget

While it would be great to have the staff at Buckingham Palace taking care of our Minneapolis lawn care needs, most of us don't have the luxury of having access to a royal family's bank account. Still, working within a budget doesn't mean the look of your lawn will suffer: you can still have the neighborhood's best looking yard even with a small budget. Just keep in mind the following and you're sure to be able to do a lot with a little.

Don't focus on trying to scalp your lawn. Yards that are low mowed are more costly, as they require more water and herbicide. In the summer, mow to a minimum of 2 1/2 inches, and try not to remove more than one-third of grass so as not to stress the lawn. Another tactic to try is to use a mulching mower and instead of discarding grass clippings, leave them on the lawn so nitrogen returns to the soil.

Your lawn should receive at least one inch of water on a weekly basis. Buy a rain gauge and is it to determine if this is happening naturally. If not, then water in the early morning or evening, so it doesn’t' evaporate.

Core aeration
Soil becomes compacted as the lawn is used over the years. This compaction reduces the soil's oxygen, which can lead to health problems. Compacting issues can be alleviated with core aeration. Do this before applying the last fertilizer of the season. While the immediate results might not be eye pleasing, it will cause your lawn to be healthier next season, with better access to fertilizer, water and oxygen. 

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