Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Spring Start-Up Video: Why Hire a Professional Service

Spring is so close we can taste it! Well, maybe not taste, but we can almost feel it. Though the official start of spring doesn't necessarily mean that temperatures will skyrocket, we'll get there eventually. For all of you out there who have a green thumb, you're probably eager to get back out in the garden. Let's do first things first. In our recent video on spring start-ups,  we explain why it's so important to have a professional irrigation company handle the job.

Spring Start-Ups
First of all, spring start-ups can be a hassle. There is a lot that goes into them. It's more than just turning the sprinklers on and hoping for the best. A spring start-up service should start with a thorough visual inspection of the entire system. There are a lot of things that could go wrong during the winter. It is important to repair any damage before turning on the sprinklers. This can be done by our team of experts.

After that, the irrigation system needs to be properly programmed. Depending on the time of year and the rainfall amount, these settings may differ. A professional will be able to diagnose your property's requirements and adjust the settings accordingly. They may need fine-tuned as the summer progresses.

Spring Landscaping
That's not all we can do for you here at Advanced Irrigation. We can get your entire landscape prepared and ready for the growing season. We'll help you design and install a new landscape or help you maintain the one you already have. You are only limited by your creative design.

Are you ready to get on the schedule for your spring start-up? Contact us today by calling 612-599-8675 or Request a Free Estimate.

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